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輝耀之石 - 赤子本色 CD
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- Pure Trance(Mixed by Solarstone + Orkidea)
- 曲風:Trance
輝耀之石 – 赤子本色 Pure Trance(Mixed by Solarstone + Orkidea) ★傳思巨匠Solarstone與芬蘭好手Orkidea聯手打造夢幻國度 |
★網羅Paul Oakenfold、Way Out West、Kyau & Albert佳作 ★Mixmag當月最佳專輯!完美重現Trance璀璨原色! 縱橫電舞國度十餘年,從三人組蛻變至Rich Mowatt個人創作單位,Solarstone誠如其名的,宛如一顆散射著太陽無限能量的璀璨原石,以源源不絕的野心與創意,拓展舞曲音樂的可能性,打造出無數膾炙人口的經典作品。 2012年推出的第三張創作專輯《Pure》,Solarstone試圖追尋最純粹的創作本質,兼融Trance、Balearic House、Progressive、Downtempo等元素,獻上其生涯最動人的篇章;如今,延續《Pure》的概念,Solarstone邀請曾為Tiesto、Way Out West等大師打理混音的芬蘭籍好手Orkidea,合力打造2CD概念混音作品《Pure Trance》,一口氣網羅Paul Oakenfold、Way Out West、Kyau & Albert、Giuseppe Ottaviani、Delerium與Lowland等豪傑31首佳作與珍稀混音,以絢爛飄渺的迷離電氣與深邃溫潤的節拍律動,構築出跨越類型的夢幻電氣國度,重拾關於音樂最原初的感動雖然形式上為混音作品,但Solarstone認為《Pure Trance》並非回顧過往,而是持續前進,不是關於Trance音樂的歷史或血脈,而是企圖拋開這些年來所加諸的包袱,進而重現Trance音樂的活力與精華。 |
曲目 試聽請點我[試聽] CD1 Mixed By Solarstone 01. Solarstone & Clare Stagg - The Spell (Pure Intro Mix) 02. Almar - Evening Star 03. Lemon - We Can’t Fly (Solarstone Pure Mix) 04. Ehren Stowers - Split Source 05. Kyau & Albert with Ronski Speed – Euphonia (Ronski Speed Mix) 06. Giuseppe Ottaviani - Earthbeat 07. Delerium featuring Michael Logen - Days Turn Into Nights (Solarstone Pure Mix) 08. Solarstone with Giuseppe Ottaviani – Falcons (Solarstone Extended Mix) 09. ARDI - Hopeful 10. Omnia - Infina 11. C Systems & Bushi - Ari (Suncatcher Exclusive Remix) 12. Solarstone - Voyager (Thomas Datt Remix) 13. Temple One - In Her Eyes 14. Rex Mundi - Steaming Waterfalls (Original Mix) 15. Mark Pledger - A New World 16. Walsh & McAuley featuring David Berkeley – Sail On The Waves (Solarstone Pure Mix) 17. Solarstone - Seven Cities (Solarstone Pure Mix) CD2 Mixed By Orkidea 01. Orkidea - Unity (Pure Intro Mix) 02. Orkidea - Sun Down (Michael Cassette Remix) 03. Kay-D - Avalanche. 04. Lowland - Cheap Shrink 05. Winkee - Whisper (Simon Templar Refresh) 06. Way Out West - Secret (Allende Remix) 07. Slusnik Luna - Valssi (Orkidea Mix) 08. Nicholas Bennison - Sulfur (Light Mix) 09. Steve Brian - Vueltas (Thomas Datt Instrumental Mix) 10. Protoculture - Perpetual Motion (Original Mix) 11. Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (Orkidea’s Tribute Mix) 12. Future Disciple - No Man’s Land 13. Vibrasphere - Autumn Lights (Mindwave Remix) 14. Orkidea - Unity (Solarstone’s Metabreaks Remix) |
輝耀之石 - 赤子本色 CD
商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV8xUEtaNzZ5R0xMTDRnemcwbnpmTWNCSUVRSHdiY3dKTHExQ1BzVU9RVjJRPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=4000787